
Well Christmas is over. But the year isnt. Funny that we feel so much for new years but nothing for Christmas. Then again. it IS a christian holiday. But wats stopping our malay and indian frens from giving us pressies! *the non-christian ones*
i think i know why. Maybe we shld start giving first. Funny.

Go try. i found my home. and it is DOWNLOADABLE.

Visited the entire family ytd. haha. yes i emerged unscathed and unharmed. Frankly, i was unfazed by the whole affair. Took it with a pinch of salt really. Considering i met parts and parcel on numerous past ocasions. haha. Her cousins were unsurprisingly the same age grp so relating to them wasnt at all hard. Or am i jus sociable. *Perishes thought.*

Man. Its fast coming 4th mths. And i already feel like it has been years. No wait. it HAS been a few years already. heh. And now we are facing "marriage" problems. Oh brother.

Your money is my money. My money is MY money.
Celine Teo 2005

1 comment:

Alvin said...

hahahaha! and she is lesbian right. RIGHT? poor Chu Kang.