
The office.

So here i was. Knocking off 10 episodes of NBC's adapted version of the BBC's "The office" from myspace.

Wait. What did you say? Me? Having so much time watching videos off myspace during my time in the office? Dont ask.

Ok i will indulge you a little. Its a monthly thing. There is a slow gradual climb to that thing of the month where u get cramps *headaches and work stress* and then for the rest of the month u have nothing.

Ok going back to "The office". If i had a boss like Micheal Andy Scott, I will fire myself. Plan simple. Go watch it.

Happy 8478162304 months baby. *It is a number between 10 to 20.*



Of course they care more about the inside. But the inside never gets a chance if the outside looks like shit.



Open invites!

There is no such thing as an in-between. You are either a AFC(average frustrated chump) or Master Seducer.

Begainner. and Master.

All candidates for a night of sarging this wednesday will have to undergo a screen test to ensure he/she knows how to play the game and of course, The wingman golden rule.
Sign up now in the comments section!


Why does this sound so familar?

Was blog hopping around my colleagues frens blogs. You know. A link -> link -> link -> Here.
Saw something that rang a bell.

""~~anyway, i've also learnt how funny the feeling of love can play tricks on our emotions!!! been so confused. one can have a nice time out with someone one night, then be ignored for no apparent reason. then when we meet again, we talk as if there was no awkwardness and become playful with each other and laugh together. GOD help me!!! ah well..~~""

Blog abt more matters in awhile!