
"Through the lens of history, war seems to function with a frightening punctuality, like a murderous music box. Battles are no more than clockwork mechanisms of death, a drama of destruction with each act flowing naturally into the next, until one side or the other is vanquished.
For those of us trapped in the middle of the war, there waz nothing but raw panic broken by periods of total exhaustion. No one, not even those who supposedly did the planning, had any clear idea of the forces we were dealing with, until it waz too late to change.
Clockwork? Perharps. But i prefer to think of it as a timer on a bomb we were feverishly disarming, hoping we could finish before the damned thing exploded in our collective faces."

well...4 daes hav passed since i am 18...haha...pretty much the same actually...no big diff...or its becoz i dun hav the cash to do all the stuff i wan....hahaha...
having my exam-break nw.....which is like another hol` cos i dun hav exams nw...muahah...things are goin smoothly i guess....in terms of work and frens...so...happidee! :)

You are a water spirit known as an Undine. Undines
are usually found in forest pools and
waterfalls. They have beautiful voices and can
sometimes be heard singing over the sound of
the water. An offering of perfume will keep
them in your favour. Love rules in this
'watery' creature.

What Magical Creature are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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