

"You don't have to know much about trigonometry to figure out that bus is going to hit you if you step off the curb."
How very true. But of course, people still die because of numerous reasons. Some valid. Some careless. And some plain dumb.
Being drugged/drunk/dizzy/sexually high can cause people to not realise the bus is too near.
Others wld include being on the mobile phone/running after a ball/bending down to retrieve the one dollar coin/jerking off by the road side will enable the person to nt even SEE the bus coming much less using trigonometry to jump out of the way.

If i wld have it. People will be walking in UV protected corridors and not be wearing clothes. Cars will all be electronic, plants will be pets and Bach will be cool again.

But that is just me talking.

The social psychology lesson will be held off for another post.

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