
i just realised i cant make people laugh animore...i cant relate to ppl animore..i cant do anithing...left out? maybe...it isnt easy when u think u noe ppl but in the end u find out ya nt part of the inner "grp"....maybe its me..or them...i dun noe...frankly i dun reallie care now...given up trying i have....mabbie i shld just stop being friendly..stop talking to others..stop being me? hmm..cld tt work? just seat at the corner and get out when its over.....
Ying was right...i am glad we had tt conversation...thnx gal! (if ya reading this)...its nice to hear advice from sumone whu has so much experience...jus gives me a clearer picture of wat is goin on or making sense of wat i am doin...nt just mindlessly giving and never receiving....time would tell...i am an impaitient man by nature...and i am giving it the best i can....guess i hafta try harder?
y do ppl tell each other their flaw0s..but end up doin nuthing abt them? lamenting and complaining but nt helping themselves or for others?

like wat my camp instructor said: What for focus all your energy on brushing up your flaws when u cld devote more time to ur strengths??"

troubles~ troubles~ troubles~

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