
The wait.

It's amazing how two Cowhead milk/cheese biscuits can ease one's hunger temporarily. If that damn Colonel doesn't come in fifteen mins, my senior artist and me will have to start foraging like my office hamsters, whom are pretty active and squeaking rather loudly this morning.

Oh yes. Someone I saw yesterday on Central got me swooning and gushing like a 16 year old boy. Someone in a tight cheongsum.


Mush Fush Tush.

Trying to update lyrics for 3.3g worth of songs will reduce ur cornea to mush.

I need to rest. Now.


Morning business.

My colleague pops up beside me when i am doing my amendments for August Issue.

Colleague: "Let's go eat! Hungry or not?"
Me: "You wait. I go toilet first then I tell you I am hungry or not."

5 mins later.

"Let's go!" =D



The hungriness threatens to overwhelm all.
Touch, warmth, love, all but a fleeting moment away.
A heart remains, yet taint with open sores.
Let us walk along the edge of the world.
Alas, this is surely the end.


The End.

There i was. Whipping the books out at every spare time I had. It didn't matter that I was reading at the bus stop or on my Mac desk in plain sight. There was this compelling urge to finish them all. Maybe this desire, bordering upon obsession, has always kept me firmly in the mythical and wonderous world of literature and lore. Or how it amazes my parents or friends on how long one can read non-stop.

It really is gratifying to read all 7 books consecutatively. It does give you a rather accurate oversight on the entire series. If there is something i hate, it will be trying to remember bits and parts of the first book you read ten years ago.

Along the way on completing the 5 thick tomes(I consider the first 3 books 2 tomes combined), I was thrilled, moved, exhilarated and at many times, reflective on how accurate J. K. Rowling describes emotions which I myself experienced.
An excerpt from the last book," And then she was kissing him as she had never kissed him before, and Harry was kissing her back, and it was blissful oblivion, better than Firewhisky; she was the only real thing in the world, the feel of her, one hand at her back and one in her long, sweet-smelling hair."

To Harry. The boy who lived. *Raises his goblet*