I did compose a short song for you.
Lets hear it before i destroy it.
When the dark clouds come,
and there's no safe place.
Don't be scared, cos here i am, to chase them away.
Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Rachel....
Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful...Beautiful Rachel.....
As you sleep at night,
feeling cold and scared.
Here i am, to hold your head, in my arms.
Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Rachel....
Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful...Beautiful Rachel.....
When the sun comes up,
so does your huge smile.
Big and wide, warm and nice, like your heart.
Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Rachel....
Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful...Beautiful Rachel.....
Relationships are the least priority in my life.
I cried for you once. I shall not do so again.
Once again, happy 19th Bdae Alvin Foong.
Words cannot express what i am feeling now.
To say its indescrible wld be a lie as no feeling is indescrible. But rather, its made up of many feelings that are mixed in a melting hot pot.All these feelings mixed together, complied with the constant stirring to blend everything.
The result? A rather blank expression on the face but a contortion of facts, feelings and hungriness within.
Read between the lines and u wld find not only 1 line but a tangible mess of messy broken lines flowing out from within.
Seeking solitude hasnt done much good at all. Solace in bliss turned out to be an unleashment of the vile and vicious creature. The Mind. It just gnaws and tears out your concience. It even bares open your essense of life so much so that even the slightest reason to smile just goes right out the window.
Negative withdrawal just fills you faster then you could say "gramaphone".
It filled me. Happy bdae 19th Alvin.
RAWR!!! seems that it is another case of i typed out everything and IE crashes...lolx
well..recap..sorrie for the "2 times per mth" blogging frequency guys..haha
always having mind blocks everytime this posting page loads up. I just realised that for the first time in my life, i can see the unsurmountable pile of work that lays in front of me. And what would sum describe as a virgin experience, i am going to do Pre-Production work..(before work "work") yes my friends..i am going to DO tt...
Am a slacker, Always a slacker, Die a slacker.
Alvin Foong 2005
Bright sunny day with a soccer appointment which i am supposed to go..i really really REALLY shld start exercising..i guess i dont really like doing that alone..its so..boring? ha..exercising shld be fun i reckon..not just..i go down to swim 20 laps and go home! tt plain sucks if u ask me...(sorrie cel) lolx...
Another fact i learned from FHM mag this mth..Atoms living in us? 1 of them would proberly belonged to a famous being...say, Einstein, Shakespeare etc...haha! Maybe tts y i am blogging..my shakespearean atom is acting up again!
Shall be going back to do hsehold chores which i had abandoned (think dusty vacuum cleaner on the floor and a leaf floats by) for the greater pleasures of blogging and the electrifying warmth that i get when i type out this words...tata!